Upcoming events

Walking Quiz in CBD
9:00:00, Wed Feb 19th 2025
Zoom 50th Planning Meeting
19:30:00, Wed Feb 19th 2025
Plenty Gorge Marshland and River Circuit
9:00:00, Sun Feb 23rd 2025
Mallacoota Base Camp
8:00:00, Mon Feb 24th 2025
Pascoe Vale South twilight walk and dinner
18:00:00, Wed Feb 26th 2025
Test Event for leader to add another Member
16:00:00, Fri Feb 28th 2025
Coliban Main Channel Section 1
9:30:00, Wed Mar 5th 2025
Brisbane Ranges NP - Boar Gully
9:00:00, Sat Mar 8th 2025
Heathcote Greytown via Devils Cave and View point
Mon Mar 10th 2025
Brimbank Hills and Dales
10:00:00, Wed Mar 12th 2025

The following definitions are a guide only, and are referenced against the abilities of fit, experienced walkers. A grade can be a combination of any  individual factors listed. Weather conditions on the day can also affect the grading of the walk.

Walk Gradings:

Easy: Suitable for beginners. Mostly on formed tracks, gently undulating terrain, up to 20 km per day.

Medium: Suitable for fit and more experienced walkers. Some sustained climbs, some scrub bashing, some rock scrambling, up to 30 km per day.

Hard: For fit, experienced walkers. Long steep climbs, heavy scrub bashing, hard rock scrambling , long distances.

NQE: All events less than 10km are graded as non qualifying events.

Booking a walk.
Visitor and Temporary Members are to contact the Club Secretary (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) if to express interest in an event.  The Secretary will then forward details to the visitor on how to book into the event. The visitor will then need to contact the leader to discuss suitablility for the event.
NOTE: All leaders have a "duty of care" to ensure the safety of all participants and may refuse to take any person on any activity if a leader considers that the person or the their equipment is not fit or suitable for the activity.

Activities proceed regardless of weather conditions, except in extreme heat. However, if there is a change to this general rule, the Leader will inform all participants.

Activity departure points.
Until otherwise advised, all Saturday and Sunday activities leave at 8.00am from the car park opposite the Moonee Ponds Bowling Club in Mt Alexander Road, Moonee Ponds. (Melways Map 28H6). For all other activities, departure points and time will be advised by the leader.

Transport cost.
A car pooling fee is charged to passengers attending walks in vehicles used on club activities. The Leader of the designated walk determines the cost to passengers as per current car pooling fee (10c /km). The current car pooling fee applies. However, an individual driver may lower the fee if they wish. The fee may not be raised above the designated fee.
Extra fees may be included if applicable for entry, parking or e-tag costs where applicable.
Organize efficient sharing of vehicles. For safety, remember to break a long  journey, particularly on the way home after a strenuous walk.


Emergency Contact Reporting an Overdue Party.

  1. Don’t panic.
  2. Make a reasonable attempt to contact a member of the party. Be aware of possible mobile blackspots in country locations. Try a few times over a reasonable period. If unsuccessful, proceed to the next step.
  3. Have in front of you all known information about the party (i.e. Location, start and finish points, route taken, how many members, experience range and approximate age range of the members, vehicle details, expected time of return, mobile telephone numbers of those in the group).
  4. Call 000 (Triple zero) and request Police assistance to report an overdue bushwalking group. Your call will then typically be patched through to either the Rescue Coordination Centre in Williamstown or a Police station close to the walking area. For areas outside Victoria, the relevant state Police will be contacted via the 000 (Triple zero) call operator. 
  5. Provide all information requested, if known. You will also be asked for your own details.

Ambulance Membership.
The Club strongly recommends Ambulance membership to all walkers for all types of club activities.

Becoming a member.
Membership is conditional upon completing two Club program day events or one Club program mulit-day events, within a 12 month period.
 To become a member, all these activities must be qualifying events, and a membership application form (includes acknowledgement of risk form), signed by the Leader of each of the walks,is to be submitted to the Club.
 Application is subject to approval by the Committee and payment of the prescribed membership fee is to be made within 28 days. All other activities are NQE- Non Qualifying Events (e.g. Bike rides, canoeing, special events, social events etc).

Visitors  ( and non-financial members).
All visitors  and non-financial members will be charged a small fee for each walk they attend.  The fee is currently $5.
Temporary members/visitors are expected to join the Club after the completion of the Club requirements relating to the completion of the  qualifying walks within a twelve month period.
Upon completion of the two walks and submission of the Membership Form with fee to the Secretary, a pending member may participate in Club activities without having to pay the visitor fee. However, they still need to complete the "Acknowledgment of Risk" form until their membership is approved.

Participants have a "duty of care" to inform the leader in advance of any walk or activity of any condition or disability that may affect their ability to participate safely in the activity. This discussion is confidential.

Total Fire Ban Days.
Walks in the bush and remote areas should not proceed on days of Total Fire Ban. At the leader's discretion, a walk in a lower risk area (e.g. an urban walk) may be substituted. The Leader should notify all walkers registered for their walk of their intention.

High Temperature Days.
On days where the temperature is forecast to exceed 35 degrees C, walks should be cancelled. At the Leader's discretion, a walk can proceed, but the Leader should notify all the walkers registered for their walk of this intention.

Acknowledgement of Risk.
I understand that by voluntarily participating in Essendon Bushwalking Club Inc. activities I may be exposed to risks that could lead to injury, illness, death or loss of or damage to my property. These risks include but are not limited to, snake or insect bite, traversing rough ground, loose stones or rocks, scrub, fallen logs or other obstacles, slippery surfaces and creek crossings, encountering weather conditions that could lead to hypothermia and being in locations where evacuation for medical treatment may take hours or days.  In particular when participating in abseiling or above the snowline activities I am aware that these activities expose me to additional hazards and risks.

To minimise these risks I will endeavour to ensure that:
- Activities in which I participate are within my capabilities.
- I will carry food, water and equipment appropriate for the activity.
- I will advise the activity leader if any medication or any physical or other limitation that might adversely affect my participation in the activity.
- I will make every effort to remain with the rest of the party during the activity.
- I will advise the leader of any concerns I am having during the activity.
- I will comply with all reasonable instructions of club officers and the activity leader.

I have read and understand the above requirements and have considered the risks before choosing to sign this acknowledgement of risk. I still wish to participate in club activities and accept that in signing this application I will take responsibility for my own actions.  I also acknowledge that signing this form will be deemed as full acceptance and understanding of the above conditions.

Acknowledgement of Risk is to be completed annually by all members on renewal of membership and by prospective members with their application for membership.